Tag Archive | AtoZChallenge

“Z” is for…Zippideedooda

Zippideedooda…zippidee-a…my oh my, what a wonderful day. I did it. I completed this challenge and I’m very proud that I did. It is the 26th day of the A to Z Challenge and I’m still posting. I’ve learned a lot about myself and how I’d like to blog… less than daily but  more than monthly. I figure once or twice a week would be great.

I’ve talked to a few of you and had some of the best numbers I’ve ever had. Thanks for that. This isn’t the last of my blogging but it is the last of this challenge…until next year.

So what about you…what have you done lately that you’re proud of?


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“Y” is for…Yummy

Yummy is one of those words that just feels good in my mouth and it could be used for how something tastes, how something looks or even how something feels. So since this is one day away from the last day of the A to Z Challenge let’s make this short and sweet. I, Leela Lou Dahlin, declare that today is National Yummy Day.

What’s Yummy to you?

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Loving young woman touching man's forehead in bed

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“X” is for…X-rated

Hello and Happy Tuesday everyone,

We are in the final days of April which also means these are the final days of the A to Z Challenge. *Insert sad face here* So onward and upward, the letter that I was given was X and the words (there aren’t a lot to choose from that work with that fit my needs) that came to mind was X-hausted, X-hilerated and X-pectations, but that would be cheating now wouldn’t it?

X-Rated. Just looking at it makes you think of the seedy movie theater with it’s sticky floors. I’ve never been in there but I’ve got a great imagination…*looks around to see if anyone bought that* I’ve always wondered what was the difference between X-rated and XXX-rated movies, so since I had to make it look like I was really prepared for this difficult letter I did a bit of research, mostly from Wikipedia. According to them, the Motion Picture Academy stopped using the X ratings on mainstream films when the label was taken over by the porn industry. Because the rating wasn’t trademarked it was over taken by the adult film industry and main stream businesses didn’t want to advertise movies with such a rating in the theater along with, say Bambi (they didn’t say that it was implied in the reading) so they moved to labeling movies that featured adult content with NC-17 rating and trademarked the rating so it couldn’t be sullied.

William Rotsler prolific pornographer and science fiction writer characterized the differences of X ratings as such

X – Relatively cool (exact wording)

XX – Simulation

XXX – Hard core

It’s amazing what you can learn on the internet…What’s the last thing you researched?

Sexy picture of the day


“W” is for…Welp, I’m 44

YAY…It’s my birthday and I’m so proud to be 44. Growing up I would hear women complain that they were this age and that age and how they missed their youth… blah, blah, blah, but you know what I think? Either you’re getting older or….YOU’RE NOT. Which would you choose?

I, for one, don’t miss the ignorance of my youth. I feel like my older self is more confident. I’ve learned from the many mistakes that I made then and I learn faster from the ones I make now. I know that perfection is a myth and I choose to accept what’s in the now…even while working for better.

My most important thing I’ve learned is that I have to be as nice to myself as I am to others…that includes the things I say and how I treat myself (It’s harder than you think). When I wish people a happy birthday I usually say that I hope that this is their best year yet, so…. Leela Lou Dahlin, Happy Birthday, I love you and may this year be your best year yet.


Sexy Picture of the Day


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“V” is for… Va-va..voom

Today is the day for a special word…or special words, depending on how you look at it. Va va voom has always made me think of women and since I have put up pictures of men for most of this challenge I think it’s time for a show of women. So whether you’re big, small, thick or thin we all have a little bit of fire within, but when it comes bursting out…Whoa. So this is for the va va voom in us all.

 What makes you feel sexy?

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“U”is for….Unbelievable

Wow…I can’t believe that I missed “U”. I thought I had it all written out and posted but …I guess not.


Sexy Picture of the day

Stokes 1

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“T” is for….Temptation

T is for Temptation. That sweetly dark word encapsulates so many different things for different people. Are you tempted to skip work on a nice day?  Eat something that isn’t on your food choices for your body slimming diet? Forgo your writing so you can play Candy Crush? My days are filled with decisions as I’m sure yours are too, but temptations to do things that are fun, rather than productive, rule the day.

How do I resist temptation? I use to-do lists and reward myself for the times I resist, and sometimes I just give in and enjoy.

How do you resist temptation, or do you not resist?

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“S” is for…Silence

Silence…it’s such a beautiful sound…nothingness. I rarely get total absence of sound, as I have children and they don’t seem to like the quiet as much as I do…unless they’re reading.

I have always wanted to be, like so many authors I know and have music playing in the background, but my characters are noisy but seem to be drowned out with music very easily. I’ll start humming…then singing lightly and then I’m having a ‘full force get busy one time’ concert with the hair brush and the high notes, but not a word written.

Maybe I should listen to music without words. I listened to the Outlander soundtrack, while I was outlining a new idea the other day, and with the exception of the theme song that has words, I was able to listen and enjoy while I did something else. I like limited noise to read as well. It’s not that I can’t read with noise but if someone is asking me something, for some reason, it’s easy not to hear them.

So what about you do you like a soundtrack while you write or live your life or would you rather hear the beauty of nothing?


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“R” is for…Romance

Romance…it’s one of those words that says so much but doesn’t say anything at all. Romance means one thing to one person and a totally different thing to another. I was reading a book recently about love languages, and it talked about this very thing. There are different ways we express ourselves romantically but if you don’t know how your partner expresses romance, and/or it’s different than how you express it, the gesture may not be received in the way it was intended.

You can read more about Discovering You Love (Apology and Appreciation) Language —> HERE

I found this very interesting and I hope you will too.

Question – What is romantic to you?

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“Q” is for…Quest

We’re all on a quest for something. Maybe it’s inner peace, or increased self esteem or maybe you’re trying to find the perfect steak sandwich. Sometimes when I’m writing it feels like I’m traveling along on a journey with the characters. I feel like I know where we are going and what we are up to and other times I feel as lost as they are. It all comes back around and we reach our romantic destination…sometimes I thought we were going by train, but we walked…but we got there.

Somewhere I heard that life isn’t about the destination, but about the journey and with the Indie (independant title) I’m attempting to pen I’m learning that lesson more and more.

So now you…What lesson are you learning?

Sexy Picture of the Day



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